Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Love You Grandma Mac.


Susie said...

Hi Dillon,
Just writing to say that we missed you at Gladys' funeral. It was a beautiful celebration of an exceptional woman. Oh my. I am so very grateful that she was in my life.
And I'm also writing to say that she would be so happy knowing where you were instead, and so proud of you for your spirit of adventure.
Your blog is a delight.
As are you.
Big hug,

Liisa said...

Hi Dillon
OK so I actually figured out how to leave a comment. I figure you have received my email about Grandma Mac. She will be following your adventure closely, I am sure. You two are kindred spirits. Love and Kisses, Liisa. Love the blog... love the photos... feels as if I am there. Are you sure you didn't google just a few? Ha Ha.

Dana John Rahkola said...

Hi Dillon:

It's Dad here and I'm at work so this'll have to be quick! You must be busy at Intro-camp or incomunicato due to to no high speed connection as we haven't heard from you this week. At any rate, how are you doing? Hope the Danish language is slowly starting to enter your psyche - it was great to see you introduced yourself and where you live in Danish at the last Rotary Club Meeting. Way to go! You'll be doing your farewell to your Braedstrup Rotary Club in Danish this time next year! Mom, Andie and I miss you a lot but we know you are soaking in the fantastic experience that you are so fortunate to have earned. Be good. Not too much Tuborg. Remember the 4 D's - or is it 5 now?
Love you,

Lauretta said...

Boy, Dillon, it's been a trip just signing in to leave a comment.
Your blog is great. Where have you been lately!?

Hope all is well. Grandma's wake and funeral were very special times and your uncle John gave a wonderful tribute to our wonderful Gladys. She was an amazing woman - of faith, fun and full of love for all her family.

I took some pics of th evens. Please let me know how I can send them to you via e-mail. My e-mail address is:

Keep having fun and lots of it, as I know you will!


Anonymous said...

Hi Honey, I am not sure how all this works but here goes..............missed you at Grandmas, but we gave her a great sendoff-no expense was spared..why not.its her money.... the blog is alot fo fun and it feels that we are all connected........all is weel here- autumn and the leaves and Leafs are falling right on schedule,stay weel, take care, and thanks again for the blog