Monday, November 24, 2008

Moving Day.

Hey everyone,

I moved host families this week and everything is running very smoothly.  I moved on a Monday after school, and of course I pack up all of my things when I get home from school at 3:00, and I am moving at 6:00 (and I wanted to watch Friends at 5:00)  I made the 5:00 deadline and I was headed off to my next host family.

My new host family is really amazing.  I am having a really great time here and moving host families couldn't of been any easier.  I feel totally comfortable and I am really happy!

My host parents (Ole og Annette) built a room for their daughter to live in when she comes back from her exchange in Australia, and I will be living in her room for the time I will stay at their house.  This house has more of a younger children family type atmosphere that I am used to, growing up with Andie so things are a little like I am used to at home in Canada.

I now live close to a friend of mine from school named Mathais and we have been talking about hanging out when I move to Brædstrup for ages now so it will be fun to get to hang out with people from my class outside of school. 


Galla is tomorrow and I am sure I will have some pictures from Galla up as soon as I can get a hold of them.

Vi Ses,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Concert In Copenhagen!


I went to go see Cancer Bats on Tuesday and I have to say that it was by far the most intimate and stellar show I have been too.  They opened up for a band called Funeral For A Friend and when Cancer Bats came on stage, not many people knew them.  I was one of the only guys singing along so the lead singer Liam would throw the mic in my face to sing along.  It was the most fun I have had at a concert.  I felt like it was just me and the band there.  It was too cool.  I met 3 out of the 4 band members after the show and we talked a bit and had a drink.  They are truly the nicest guys and take the time to pose pictures and sign autographs.  I bought their new album on vinyl at the merchandise table and got Liam (vocals) and Scott (guitar) to sign it.  Then Scott was nice enough to go back stage with the record and get the other guys in the band to sign it.  It was very unexpected but so kind of him.  I had such a blast.

The lead act was Funeral For A Friend and with me knowing none of their songs, and Caitlin and I being not such fans of them, I decided to get my camera out of my bag and see if I could get some photos.  I had no clue how to take photos of bands, with the lighting and all of that, so I don't think they turned out too great but I tried! 

Funeral For A Friend


Cancer Bats

Vi Ses,
Dillon Rahkola

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Going on my 4th month.

Hey everyone,

Here is just a quick update.  There are no "official" rotary get togethers or events coming up so there is no news in that department.  There is a ton of "unofficial" rotary get togethers with exchange students, mostly for celebrating birthday/an excuse to see everyone again.  Sadly our oldies are all going home early January, and December always being the crazy, busy month that it is, we are trying to have one last big get together before people leave.  That is happening in Odense soon so I am really looking forward to that.  I'm going to guess it will be a pretty emotional for the oldies, because it might be the last time they see each other, and the last time for the newbies to say good bye to people that we have grown so attached to.

Exciting news, tomorrow is the day that I have been waiting for, for such a long time.  Tomorrow I am catching a train down to København to see that concert of one of my favourite bands from Toronto, Cancer Bats.  I was talking to a well known concert photographer (Jess Baumung) from Toronto through e-mail and I was asking him some questions about how he first got into shooting shows and things like that.  He was nice enough to respond, and he just said that he started showing up to smaller shows with his camera, and they let him shoot, depending on the band and the venue of course.  I knew he was in Denmark shooting a wedding earlier in the year, so I told him I was living here and I'm from Muskoka.  I also told him that I was seeing Cancer Bats, who happen to be good friends of him.  He told me if they weren't in Europe he would of called them up to make sure I would have no problems taking some photos of them after the show, but because they are in Europe.  He also told me that the band are some of the most chill and laid back people he knows so, *fingers crossed* I will get to meet them and chat with them after the show.  If I do, I think they will be pretty shocked to think a kid from Muskoka is coming out to their show in København, Denmark! 

Everyone in 2nd year at school has Thursday and Friday off school for a Danish History essay.  It is a pretty big project so I guess the two days is much needed.  I don't have to do it, so I will be staying after the show in København until Thursday which is really nice.  Experiencing life in the big city for a change.  I will probably do some Christmas shopping and some shopping of my own.

This was a pointless update, but for some reason I felt the need to write something.  It has been a while since I wrote something so I thought I would be nice.  Also my hair is getting longer and longer ever since I found out that a simple "trim" would cost me -250 DKK (50 bucks).  I am going to the concert with my friend Caitlin from Aus so she is going to cut my hair for me before the show.  I hope it turns out okay!

I came here with short hair, and it is getting longer and longer.  I haven't had this long of hair since at least 2 years ago.  I'm not liking it.  I like it better short.  Oh and by the way, they don't have razors here in Denmark....  No I'm kidding they do, but with out the constant nagging of Mom to get me to shave, I don't anymore.  The girls dig it.
Love you all,