Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Official...

I will be spending my year away in Brædstrup, Midtjylland, Denmark. Marcus, a Rotary student in my district (D7010) is in Brædstrup right now, and has just gotten permission from his Rotary counselor to e-mail me, so we can talk about the exchange. It was very unlikely for 2 students in back to back years to go from the same district, and spend a year in the same host district (let alone same host town). It feels great to know for sure that this is the town I am going to. I know which school I will be attending (Tørring Gymnasium) and I have already been placed with my first host family in Brædstrup. I have been told that they have talked with my host family and I should be expecting an e-mail from them introducing them selves at the beginning of May.

The more e-mail's from different exchangers in Denmark im getting, the greater understanding I am getting about this wonderful country. I want summer to come as fast as possible so I can start this experience right now!

I am slowly gathering books and tapes on the Danish language, so I can start to learn the language. So far, I have no clue what is going on to be honest with you all, and I'm guessing it will be like that for a while. Denmark has language school for everyone once they get to Denmark. All the exchange students from all over Denmark come together and learn the language for a week. We stay at a small boarding school with around 100 other exchangers and learn the language. This is a great way to meet other Rotary students from all over the world that will be staying in Denmark with me for the year.

Like I've said I'm getting more and more information about my exchange daily, and one thing that has come to mind is the music scene in Denmark. I have been researching, and asking exchangers about it and it looks amazing. The one music event that is standing out in my mind is the Roskilde Festival which is the largest music festival in Northern Europe.

Last year headliners were bands like The Who, Beastie Boys, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Canada's own The Arcade Fire. Roskilde Festival '08 will include music from, Jay-Z, Slayer, Judas Priest, M.I.A. and Canada's own Neil Young, Cat Power, and Tokyo Polic Club just to name a few. There is also a whole wack of Danish mucial acts. Who knows what the line up for '09 will be when I am in Denmark! This is something I'm looking forward to and because this festival will be near the end of my year away, it will be a good way to finsh up.

I find myself when I'm on the computer now, always typing Denmark into Google, trying to learn new and interesting things about the country and where I will be staying. Soon enough I won't be having to type Denmark to google anymore to see what the country is like, because I will be living it. My guarntee form from Denmark has still yet to come in, but it should be in any day now. Even though I already know where I am going, with my guarntee form I can start the long process for applying for a Visa.

I will update everyone when I recieve my guarntee form, and when I get the e-mail from my first host family. Exciting stuff eh!




Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Brædstrup D1450

Rumour has it, that I will be going to District 1450, Brædstrup, Denmark. I was talking with a Rotary student from Denmark (Nanna) from my district (7010) and she gave me this information. She tells me that she looked it up in the "Danish Rotary Database" on the internet. It says there that I have been placed in D1450. Because I haven't gotten any forms back from Denmark, this is just a rumour, and this could be untrue for all I know. Nanna says that Brædstrup is almost three hours from Denmark's capital, Copenhagen. If I am actually going to D1450, I will be really looking forward to it. It looks like it is in the middle of Denmark, so I will be a hop, skip, and a jump away from anything in Denmark. It's even less then an hour away from Legoland! When I get my guarantee form back from Denmark, confirming where I will be staying for the year I will let everyone know.

Much love,

